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Paimon catalog


Apache Gravitino provides the ability to manage Apache Paimon metadata.



Builds with Apache Paimon 0.8.0.


Catalog capabilities

  • Works as a catalog proxy, supporting FilesystemCatalog, JdbcCatalog and HiveCatalog.

  • Supports DDL operations for Paimon schemas and tables.

  • Doesn't support alterSchema.

Catalog properties

Property nameDescriptionDefault valueRequiredSince Version
catalog-backendCatalog backend of Gravitino Paimon catalog. Supports filesystem, jdbc and hive.(none)Yes0.6.0-incubating
uriThe URI configuration of the Paimon catalog. thrift:// or jdbc:postgresql:// or jdbc:mysql:// It is optional for FilesystemCatalog.(none)required if the value of catalog-backend is not filesystem.0.6.0-incubating
warehouseWarehouse directory of catalog. file:///user/hive/warehouse-paimon/ for local fs, hdfs://namespace/hdfs/path for HDFS , s3://{bucket-name}/path/ for S3 or oss://{bucket-name}/path for Aliyun OSS(none)Yes0.6.0-incubating
catalog-backend-nameThe catalog name passed to underlying Paimon catalog backend.The property value of catalog-backend, like jdbc for JDBC catalog backend.No0.8.0-incubating
authentication.typeThe type of authentication for Paimon catalog backend, currently Gravitino only supports Kerberos and simple.simpleNo0.6.0-incubating
hive.metastore.sasl.enabledWhether to enable SASL authentication protocol when connect to Kerberos Hive metastore. This is a raw Hive configurationfalseNo, This value should be true in most case(Some will use SSL protocol, but it rather rare) if the value of gravitino.iceberg-rest.authentication.type is Kerberos.0.6.0-incubating
authentication.kerberos.principalThe principal of the Kerberos authentication.(none)required if the value of authentication.type is Kerberos.0.6.0-incubating
authentication.kerberos.keytab-uriThe URI of The keytab for the Kerberos authentication.(none)required if the value of authentication.type is Kerberos.0.6.0-incubating
authentication.kerberos.check-interval-secThe check interval of Kerberos credential for Paimon catalog.60No0.6.0-incubating
authentication.kerberos.keytab-fetch-timeout-secThe fetch timeout of retrieving Kerberos keytab from authentication.kerberos.keytab-uri.60No0.6.0-incubating
oss-endpointThe endpoint of the Aliyun OSS.(none)required if the value of warehouse is a OSS path0.7.0-incubating
oss-access-key-idThe access key of the Aliyun OSS.(none)required if the value of warehouse is a OSS path0.7.0-incubating
oss-accesss-key-secretThe secret key the Aliyun OSS.(none)required if the value of warehouse is a OSS path0.7.0-incubating
s3-endpointThe endpoint of the AWS S3.(none)required if the value of warehouse is a S3 path0.7.0-incubating
s3-access-key-idThe access key of the AWS S3.(none)required if the value of warehouse is a S3 path0.7.0-incubating
s3-secret-access-keyThe secret key of the AWS S3.(none)required if the value of warehouse is a S3 path0.7.0-incubating

If you want to use the oss or s3 warehouse, you need to place related jars in the catalogs/lakehouse-paimon/lib directory, more information can be found in the Paimon S3.


The hive backend does not support the kerberos authentication now.

Any properties not defined by Gravitino with gravitino.bypass. prefix will pass to Paimon catalog properties and HDFS configuration. For example, if specify gravitino.bypass.table.type, table.type will pass to Paimon catalog properties.

JDBC backend

If you are using JDBC backend, you must specify the properties like jdbc-user, jdbc-password and jdbc-driver.

Property nameDescriptionDefault valueRequiredSince Version
jdbc-userJdbc user of Gravitino Paimon catalog for jdbc backend.(none)required if the value of catalog-backend is jdbc.0.7.0-incubating
jdbc-passwordJdbc password of Gravitino Paimon catalog for jdbc backend.(none)required if the value of catalog-backend is jdbc.0.7.0-incubating
jdbc-drivercom.mysql.jdbc.Driver or com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver for MySQL, org.postgresql.Driver for PostgreSQL(none)required if the value of catalog-backend is jdbc.0.7.0-incubating

You must download the corresponding JDBC driver and place it to the catalogs/lakehouse-paimon/libs directory If you are using JDBC backend.

Catalog operations

Please refer to Manage Relational Metadata Using Gravitino for more details.


Schema capabilities

  • Supporting createSchema, dropSchema, loadSchema and listSchema.

  • Supporting cascade drop schema.

  • Doesn't support alterSchema.

Schema properties

  • Doesn't support specify location and store any schema properties when createSchema for FilesystemCatalog.
  • Doesn't return any schema properties when loadSchema for FilesystemCatalog.
  • Doesn't support store schema comment for FilesystemCatalog.

Schema operations

Please refer to Manage Relational Metadata Using Gravitino for more details.


Table capabilities

  • Supporting createTable, purgeTable, alterTable, loadTable and listTable.

  • Supporting Column default value through table properties, such as fields.{columnName}.default-value, not column expression.

  • Doesn't support dropTable.

  • Doesn't support table distribution and sort orders.


Gravitino Paimon Catalog does not support dropTable, because the dropTable in Paimon will both remove the table metadata and the table location from the file system and skip the trash, we should use purgeTable instead in Gravitino.


Paimon does not support auto increment column.

Table changes

  • RenameTable
  • AddColumn
  • DeleteColumn
  • RenameColumn
  • UpdateColumnComment
  • UpdateColumnNullability
  • UpdateColumnPosition
  • UpdateColumnType
  • UpdateComment
  • SetProperty
  • RemoveProperty

Table partitions

  • Only supports Identity partitions, such as day, hour, etc.

Please refer to Paimon DDL Create Table for more details.

Table sort orders

  • Doesn't support table sort orders.

Table distributions

  • Doesn't support table distributions.

Table indexes

  • Only supports primary key Index.

We cannot specify more than one primary key Index, and a primary key Index can contain multiple fields as a joint primary key.


Paimon Table primary key constraint should not be same with partition fields, this will result in only one record in a partition.

Table column types

Gravitino TypeApache Paimon Type
TimestampType withZoneLocalZonedTimestamp
TimestampType withoutZoneTimestamp

Gravitino doesn't support Paimon MultisetType type.

Table properties

You can pass Paimon table properties to Gravitino when creating a Paimon table.


Reserved: Fields that cannot be passed to the Gravitino server.

Immutable: Fields that cannot be modified once set.

Configuration itemDescriptionDefault ValueRequiredReservedImmutableSince version
merge-engineThe table merge-engine.(none)NoNoYes0.6.0-incubating
sequence.fieldThe table sequence.field.(none)NoNoYes0.6.0-incubating
rowkind.fieldThe table rowkind.field.(none)NoNoYes0.6.0-incubating
commentThe table comment.(none)NoYesNo0.6.0-incubating
ownerThe table owner.(none)NoYesNo0.6.0-incubating
bucket-keyThe table bucket-key.(none)NoYesNo0.6.0-incubating
primary-keyThe table primary-key.(none)NoYesNo0.6.0-incubating
partitionThe table partition.(none)NoYesNo0.6.0-incubating

Table operations

Please refer to Manage Relational Metadata Using Gravitino for more details.

HDFS configuration

You can place core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml in the catalogs/lakehouse-paimon/conf directory to automatically load as the default HDFS configuration.


When reading and writing to HDFS, the Gravitino server can only operate as the specified Kerberos user and doesn't support proxying to other Kerberos users now.