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Apache Gravitino Command Line Interface

This document provides guidance on managing metadata within Apache Gravitino using the Command Line Interface (CLI). The CLI offers a terminal based alternative to using code or the REST interface for metadata management.

Currently, the CLI allows users to view metadata information for metalakes, catalogs, schemas, tables, users, roles, groups, tags, topics and filesets. Future updates will expand on these capabilities.

Running the CLI

You can configure an alias for the CLI for ease of use, with the following command:

alias gcli='java -jar ../../cli/build/libs/gravitino-cli-*-incubating-SNAPSHOT.jar'

Or you use the script found in the clients/cli/bin/ directory to run the CLI.


f The general structure for running commands with the Gravitino CLI is gcli entity command [options].

 usage: gcli [metalake|catalog|schema|model|table|column|user|group|tag|topic|fileset] [list|details|create|delete|update|set|remove|properties|revoke|grant] [options]
usage: gcli
-a,--audit display audit information
--alias <arg> model aliases
--all all operation for --enable
--auto <arg> column value auto-increments (true/false)
-c,--comment <arg> entity comment
--columnfile <arg> CSV file describing columns
-d,--distribution display distribution information
--datatype <arg> column data type
--default <arg> default column value
--disable disable entities
--enable enable entities
-f,--force force operation
-g,--group <arg> group name
-h,--help command help information
-i,--ignore ignore client/sever version check
-l,--user <arg> user name
--login <arg> user name
-m,--metalake <arg> metalake name
-n,--name <arg> full entity name (dot separated)
--null <arg> column value can be null (true/false)
-o,--owner display entity owner
--output <arg> output format (plain/table)
-P,--property <arg> property name
-p,--properties <arg> property name/value pairs
--partition display partition information
--position <arg> position of column
--privilege <arg> privilege(s)
-r,--role <arg> role name
--rename <arg> new entity name
-s,--server Gravitino server version
--simple simple authentication
--sortorder display sortorder information
-t,--tag <arg> tag name
-u,--url <arg> Gravitino URL (default: http://localhost:8090)
--uri <arg> model version artifact
-v,--version Gravitino client version
-V,--value <arg> property value
-x,--index display index information
-z,--provider <arg> provider one of hadoop, hive, mysql, postgres,
iceberg, kafka


The following commands are used for entity management:

  • list: List available entities
  • details: Show detailed information about an entity
  • create: Create a new entity
  • delete: Delete an existing entity
  • update: Update an existing entity
  • set: Set a property on an entity
  • remove: Remove a property from an entity
  • properties: Display an entities properties

Setting the Metalake name

As dealing with one Metalake is a typical scenario, you can set the Metalake name in several ways so it doesn't need to be passed on the command line.

  1. Passed in on the command line via the --metalake parameter.
  2. Set via the GRAVITINO_METALAKE environment variable.
  3. Stored in the Gravitino CLI configuration file.

The command line option overrides the environment variable and the environment variable overrides the configuration file.

Setting the Gravitino URL

As you need to set the Gravitino URL for every command, you can set the URL in several ways.

  1. Passed in on the command line via the --url parameter.
  2. Set via the 'GRAVITINO_URL' environment variable.
  3. Stored in the Gravitino CLI configuration file.

The command line option overrides the environment variable and the environment variable overrides the configuration file.

Setting the Gravitino Authentication Type

The authentication type can also be set in several ways.

  1. Passed in on the command line via the --simple flag.
  2. Set via the 'GRAVITINO_AUTH' environment variable.
  3. Stored in the Gravitino CLI configuration file.

Gravitino CLI configuration file

The gravitino CLI can read commonly used CLI options from a configuration file. By default, the file is .gravitino in the user's home directory. The metalake, URL and ignore parameters can be set in this file.

# Gravitino CLI configuration file

# Metalake to use

# Gravitino server to connect to

# Ignore client/server version mismatch

# Authentication

OAuth authentication can also be configured via the configuration file.

# Authentication

Kerberos authentication can also be configured via the configuration file.

# Authentication

Potentially unsafe operations

For operations that delete data or rename a metalake the user with be prompted to make sure they wish to run this command. The --force option can be specified to override this behaviour.

Manage metadata

All the commands are performed by using the Java API internally.

Display help

To display help on command usage:

gcli --help

Display client version

To display the client version:

gcli --version

Display server version

To display the server version:

gcli --server

Client/server version mismatch

If the client and server are running different versions of the Gravitino software then you may need to ignore the client/server version check for the command to run. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Passed in on the command line via the --ignore parameter.
  2. Set via the GRAVITINO_IGNORE environment variable.
  3. Stored in the Gravitino CLI configuration file.

Multiple properties

For commands that accept multiple properties they can be specified in a couple of different ways:

  1. gcli --properties n1=v1,n2=v2,n3=v3

  2. gcli --properties n1=v1 n2=v2 n3=v3

  3. gcli --properties n1=v1 --properties n2=v2 --properties n3=v3

Setting properties and tags

Different options are needed to add a tag and set a property of a tag with gcli tag set. To add a tag, specify the tag (via --tag) and the entity to tag (via --name). To set the property of a tag (via --tag) you need to specify the property (via --property) and value (via --value) you want to set.

To delete a tag, again, you need to specify the tag and entity, to remove a tag's property you need to select the tag and property.

CLI commands

Please set the metalake in the Gravitino configuration file or the environment variable before running any of these commands.

Metalake commands

Show all metalakes

gcli metalake list

Show a metalake details

gcli metalake details

Show a metalake's audit information

gcli metalake details --audit

Create a metalake

gcli metalake create --metalake my_metalake --comment "This is my metalake"

Delete a metalake

gcli metalake delete

Rename a metalake

gcli metalake update --rename demo

Update a metalake's comment

gcli metalake update --comment "new comment"

Display a metalake's properties

gcli metalake properties

Set a metalake's property

gcli metalake set --property test --value value

Remove a metalake's property

gcli metalake remove --property test

Enable a metalake

gcli metalake update -m metalake_demo --enable

Enable a metalake and all catalogs

gcli metalake update -m metalake_demo --enable --all

Disable a metalake

gcli metalake update -m metalake_demo --disable

Catalog commands

Show all catalogs in a metalake

gcli catalog list

Show a catalog details

gcli catalog details --name catalog_postgres

Show a catalog's audit information

gcli catalog details --name catalog_postgres --audit

Creating a catalog

The type of catalog to be created is specified by the --provider option. Different catalogs require different properties, for example, a Hive catalog requires a metastore-uri property.

Create a Hive catalog
gcli catalog create --name hive --provider hive --properties metastore.uris=thrift://hive-host:9083
Create an Iceberg catalog
gcli catalog create  -name iceberg --provider iceberg --properties uri=thrift://hive-host:9083,catalog-backend=hive,warehouse=hdfs://hdfs-host:9000/user/iceberg/warehouse
Create a MySQL catalog
gcli catalog create  -name mysql --provider mysql --properties jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql://mysql-host:3306?useSSL=false,jdbc-user=user,jdbc-password=password,jdbc-driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
Create a Postgres catalog
gcli catalog create  -name postgres --provider postgres --properties jdbc-url=jdbc:postgresql://postgresql-host/mydb,jdbc-user=user,jdbc-password=password,jdbc-database=db,jdbc-driver=org.postgresql.Driver
Create a Kafka catalog
gcli catalog create --name kafka --provider kafka --properties bootstrap.servers=,
Create a Doris catalog
gcli catalog create --name doris --provider doris --properties jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:9030,jdbc-driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver,jdbc-user=admin,jdbc-password=password
Create a Paimon catalog
gcli catalog create --name paimon --provider paimon --properties catalog-backend=jdbc,uri=jdbc:mysql://,authentication.type=simple

Create a Hudi catalog

gcli catalog create --name hudi --provider hudi --properties catalog-backend=hms,uri=thrift://

Create an Oceanbase catalog

gcli catalog create --name oceanbase --provider oceanbase --properties jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:2881,jdbc-driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver,jdbc-user=admin,jdbc-password=password

Delete a catalog

gcli catalog delete --name hive

Rename a catalog

gcli catalog update --name catalog_mysql --rename mysql

Change a catalog comment

gcli catalog update --name catalog_mysql --comment "new comment"

Display a catalog's properties

gcli catalog properties --name catalog_mysql

Set a catalog's property

gcli catalog set --name catalog_mysql --property test --value value

Remove a catalog's property

gcli catalog remove --name catalog_mysql --property test

Enable a catalog

gcli catalog update -m metalake_demo --name catalog --enable 

Enable a catalog and it's metalake

gcli catalog update -m metalake_demo --name catalog --enable --all

Disable a catalog

gcli catalog update -m metalake_demo --name catalog --disable

Schema commands

Show all schemas in a catalog

gcli schema list --name catalog_postgres

Show schema details

gcli schema details --name

Show schema's audit information

gcli schema details --name --audit

Create a schema

gcli schema create --name catalog_postgres.new_db

Display schema properties

gcli schema properties --name

Setting and removing schema properties is not currently supported by the Java API or the Gravitino CLI.

Table commands

When creating a table the columns are specified in CSV file specifying the name of the column, the datatype, a comment, true or false if the column is nullable, true or false if the column is auto incremented, a default value and a default type. Not all of the columns need to be specifed just the name and datatype columns. If not specified comment default to null, nullability to true and auto increment to false. If only the default value is specified it defaults to the same data type as the column.

Example CSV file

name,String,person's name
ID,Integer,unique id,false,true
location,String,city they work in,false,false,Sydney,String

Show all tables

gcli table list --name

Show tables details

gcli table details --name

Show tables audit information

gcli table details --name --audit

Show tables distribution information

gcli table details --name --distribution

Show tables partition information

gcli table details --name --partition

Show tables sort order information

gcli table details --name --sortorder

Show table indexes

gcli table details --name catalog_mysql.db.iceberg_namespace_properties --index

Delete a table

gcli table delete --name

Display a tables's properties

gcli table properties --name

Set a tables's property

gcli table set --name --property test --value value

Remove a tables's property

gcli table remove --name --property test

Create a table

gcli table create --name --comment "comment" --columnfile ~/table.csv

User commands

Create a user

gcli user create --user new_user

Show a user's details

gcli user details --user new_user

List all users

gcli user list

Show a roles's audit information

gcli user details --user new_user --audit

Delete a user

gcli user delete --user new_user

Group commands

Create a group

gcli group create --group new_group

Display a group's details

gcli group details --group new_group

List all groups

gcli group list

Show a groups's audit information

gcli group details --group new_group --audit

Delete a group

gcli group delete --group new_group

Tag commands

Display a tag's details

gcli tag details --tag tagA

Create tags

gcli tag create --tag tagA tagB

List all tags

gcli tag list

Delete tags

gcli tag delete --tag tagA tagB

Add tags to an entity

gcli tag set --name --tag tagA tagB

Remove tags from an entity

gcli tag remove --name --tag tagA tagB

Remove all tags from an entity

gcli tag remove --name

List all tags on an entity

gcli tag list --name

List the properties of a tag

gcli tag properties --tag tagA

Set a properties of a tag

gcli tag set --tag tagA --property test --value value

Delete a property of a tag

gcli tag remove --tag tagA --property test

Rename a tag

gcli tag update --tag tagA --rename newTag

Update a tag's comment

gcli tag update --tag tagA --comment "new comment"

Owner commands

List an owner

gcli catalog details --owner --name postgres

Set an owner to a user

gcli catalog set --owner --user admin --name postgres

Set an owner to a group

gcli catalog set --owner --group groupA --name postgres

Role commands

When granting or revoking privileges the following privileges can be used.

create_catalog, use_catalog, create_schema, use_schema, create_table, modify_table, select_table, create_fileset, write_fileset, read_fileset, create_topic, produce_topic, consume_topic, manage_users, create_role, manage_grants

Note that some are only valid for certain entities.

Display role details

gcli role details --role admin

List all roles

gcli role list

Show a roles's audit information

gcli role details --role admin --audit

Create a role

gcli role create --role admin

Delete a role

gcli role delete --role admin

Add a role to a user

gcli user grant --user new_user --role admin

Remove a role from a user

gcli user revoke --user new_user --role admin

Add a role to a group

gcli group grant --group groupA --role admin

Remove a role from a group

gcli group revoke --group groupA --role admin

Grant a privilege

gcli role grant --name catalog_postgres --role admin --privilege create_table modify_table

Revoke a privilege

gcli role revoke --metalake metalake_demo --name catalog_postgres --role admin --privilege create_table modify_table

Topic commands

Display a topic's details

gcli topic details --name kafka.default.topic3

Create a topic

gcli topic create --name kafka.default.topic3

List all topics

gcli topic list --name kafka.default

Delete a topic

gcli topic delete --name kafka.default.topic3

Change a topic's comment

gcli topic update --name kafka.default.topic3 --comment new_comment

Display a topics's properties

gcli topic properties --name kafka.default.topic3

Set a topics's property

gcli topic set --name kafka.default.topic3 --property test --value value

Remove a topics's property

gcli topic remove --name kafka.default.topic3 --property test

Fileset commands

Create a fileset

gcli fileset create --name hadoop.schema.fileset --properties managed=true,location=file:/tmp/root/schema/example

List filesets

gcli fileset list --name hadoop.schema

Display a fileset's details

gcli fileset details --name hadoop.schema.fileset

Delete a fileset

gcli fileset delete --name hadoop.schema.fileset

Update a fileset's comment

gcli fileset update --name hadoop.schema.fileset --comment new_comment

Rename a fileset

gcli fileset update --name hadoop.schema.fileset --rename new_name

Display a fileset's properties

gcli fileset properties --name hadoop.schema.fileset 

Set a fileset's property

gcli fileset set  --name hadoop.schema.fileset --property test --value value

Remove a fileset's property

gcli fileset remove --name hadoop.schema.fileset --property test

Column commands

Note that some commands are not supported depending on what the database supports.

When setting the datatype of a column the following basic types are currently supported: null, boolean, byte, ubyte, short, ushort, integer, uinteger, long, ulong, float, double, date, time, timestamp, tztimestamp, intervalyear, intervalday, uuid, string, binary

In addition decimal(precision,scale), fixed(length), fixedchar(length) and varchar(length).

Show all columns

gcli column list --name

Show column's audit information

gcli column details --name --audit

Show a column's audit information

gcli column details --name --audit

Add a column

gcli column create --name --datatype long
gcli column create --name --datatype "decimal(10,2)"
gcli column create --name --datatype "varchar(100)"
gcli column create --name --datatype "varchar(250)" --default "Fred Smith" --null=false

Delete a column

gcli  column delete --name

Update a column

gcli column update --name --rename values
gcli column update --name --datatype "varchar(500)"
gcli column update --name --position name
gcli column update --name --null true

Simple authentication

gcli <normal command> --simple


Simple authentication with user name

gcli <normal command> --simple --login userName