

AlreadyExistsException(message, *args)

Base exception thrown when an entity or resource already exists.

BadRequestException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when the request is invalid.

CatalogAlreadyExistsException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a resource already exists.

CatalogInUseException(message, *args)

An Exception thrown when a catalog is in use and cannot be deleted.

CatalogNotInUseException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when operating on not in use catalog.

ConnectionFailedException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when connect to catalog failed.

GravitinoRuntimeException(message, *args)

Base class for all Gravitino runtime exceptions.

IllegalArgumentException(message, *args)

Base class for all exceptions thrown when arguments are invalid.

IllegalNameIdentifierException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a name identifier is invalid.

IllegalNamespaceException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a namespace is invalid.

IllegalStateException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when the state is invalid.

InUseException(message, *args)

Base class for all exceptions thrown when an entity is in use and cannot be deleted.

InternalError(message, *args)

Base class for all exceptions thrown internally

MetalakeAlreadyExistsException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a metalake already exists.

MetalakeInUseException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a metalake is in use and cannot be deleted.

MetalakeNotInUseException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when operating on not in use metalake.

ModelAlreadyExistsException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a model already exists.


An exception thrown when model version with aliases already exists.

NoSuchCatalogException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a catalog is not found.

NoSuchCredentialException(message, *args)

Exception thrown when a credential with specified credential type is not existed.

NoSuchFilesetException(message, *args)

Exception thrown when a file with specified name is not existed.

NoSuchMetalakeException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a metalake is not found.

NoSuchModelException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a model is not found.

NoSuchModelVersionException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a model version is not found.

NoSuchSchemaException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a schema is not found.

NonEmptySchemaException(message, *args)

Exception thrown when a namespace is not empty.

NotEmptyException(message, *args)

Base class for all exceptions thrown when a resource is not empty.

NotFoundException(message, *args)

Base class for all exceptions thrown when a resource is not found.

NotInUseException(message, *args)

Base class for all exceptions thrown when an entity is not in use.

RESTException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a REST request fails.

SchemaAlreadyExistsException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a schema already exists.

UnauthorizedException(message, *args)

An exception thrown when a user is not authorized to perform an action.


An exception thrown when other unknown exception is thrown

UnsupportedOperationException(message, *args)

Base class for all exceptions thrown when an operation is unsupported